Thursday, June 3, 2010


previous post i ask when will i ever see a rainbow again? YOU KNOW WHAT!! on my way home from camp just now. weather was nice cloulds everywhere and in front of me the " rainbow" appear! My day end happily! :)

next month will be National Road Championship! I really hope I can do my very best and achieve something! I must start my training ASAP! NO MORE EXCUSES! got to sleep early and wake up early! divert any of my attention just to cycling!

te volonte etre la pour moi?

You set your goal and you want to achieve your goal in life, you will have to be fully commited in the goal!

by Ah Huat! :D

Recently my appetite grown bigger! Been eating non-stop :) can't stop at all! I just love eating especially when there's nothing i can do and think of my next divertion will be FOOD! :) haha.. die... when you guys come back from all over the world you will see a FAT AH HUAT! :D

Been very very ultra duper tired too. whenever there a chair for me I will grab it and sit and the moment I close my eyes. there's goes me taking a POWER NAP! haha:)

it's 10.10pm I am going to sleep now! have been sleeping very lately like 12, 1 pm last 2 weeks. got to go back my usual 10pm bed time! and wake up early for training!

bon nuit
sweet dreams

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